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Who should attend?

This workshop is ideal for the landscape and wildlife enthusiast. A full-on day capturing and creating some wonderful images followed by a tutorial in Adobe Lightroom.

Landscapes and Wildlife

The emphasis on the morning session will be on landscape and wildlife, Tony will teach you the magic of ND graduated filters, reading the light and many other really useful tips for maximising your camera skills.
Part of the morning will be an insight into macro photography focusing on flora and fauna.

Lightroom Tutorial

Back at the studio in the afternoon we will be using the amazing Adobe Lightroom software to guide you through the switch from jpeg to RAW shooting. Sit back in comfort and be inspired as Tony takes you through his proven workflow, while transforming the day’s pictures using a high resolution screen.

The final stage of the day is to export the finished pictures ready for printing, e-mail and a fantastic slideshow. This workshop is equally suited to both Mac and PC users.


09.30 - Meet at Studio for coffee and camera settings
10.15 - Out on location
11.15 - Coffee break
11.30 - Out on location
13.00 - Lunch at local restaurant
14.00 - Out on location
15.00 - Post production tutorial
17.00 - Close


The End Result

You will go away with a wonderful set of pictures on usb drive taken on your camera and the knowledge and skill to recreate them with confidence.
Your passion for photography will be reignited!

1 to 1 Workshop - Price: £495.00 (includes lunch)

Treat someone to a day's photo training with Tony. Click here to buy gift vouchers.
...the secret to photography success...


Booking Information

Our photography workshops are based at our Studio in Suffolk on the beautiful Alde estuary and are available Monday to Saturday's.

Please use the booking form below to enter your preferred date and we will then contact you directly to confirm. Alternatively, call Tony on 07719 919484 or email if you have any questions or would like to discuss your workshop. To enquire about our photography services, please briefly explain your needs:

Book Your Place

Your Name:
Email Address:
Camera Experience:
Adobe Lightroom :
Preferred Workshop Date:
Camera Make and Model: