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The End Result
You will receive a usb drive of the days workflow to inc: Original Raw Files (Straight from Camera) - Processed High Res jpeg Files (Master Negatives)
Low Res Viewing jpegs (for Email and Web use) - Lightroom Catalog ('Step by Step' History for Reference) - Lab Prepared Images for printing
You will go away with confidence to work more efficiently in your workflow. The end result being fantastic prints from your lab. Knowledge is a wonderful thing.
Ideal for those photographers new to raw shooting, limited digital knowledge or looking to spend less time in front of the computer! The things that really matter in Adobe Lightroom.
1 to 1 Workshop - Price: £250.00
Treat someone to a day's photo training with Tony. Click here to buy gift vouchers.
...the secret to photography success...
Booking Information
Our photography workshops are based at our Studio in Suffolk on the beautiful Alde estuary and are available Monday to Saturday's.
Please use the booking form below to enter your preferred date and we will then contact you directly to confirm. Alternatively, call Tony on 07719 919484 or email tony@tonypickphotography.co.uk if you have any questions or would like to discuss your workshop. To enquire about our photography services, please briefly explain your needs: